FK&P AAR: Ramshackle Road
/Time for the next installment in the Siege of Norchester English Civil War campaign that I am playing through with friend Rob.
The Royalists are currently well alead after a disastrous Laundry Day battle last time. Today, however, I was sure that I could make up that ground as we headed down Ramshackle Road for scenario ten of the twelve.
View from the Royalist side of the table
The game begins with the Royalist raiding party that had been so successful last time, trapped against a river, with large numbers of Parliamentarians coming at them hard.
I knew ( as I had written the scenario!) that it was only a matter of time before the Royalists received reinforcements from Norchester itself, so had determined to overwhelm the small force they started with as soon as I could. My men therefore marched forward smartly, especially the Dutch-style horse on my right who had a clear path to loop around the enemy flank.
The arrival of the Royalist reinforcements would be determined by me pulling as certain number of Aces from the pack during my turn. Those who have played either TTS or FK&P against me will know that I currently seem to be unable to pull anything else, so it was no surprise when hoardes of Cavaliers suddenly appeared on my left, right on top of me, before I’d had a chance to get very far down the table!
There was nothing for it but to turn my left hand units to face the threat, and to try and win the game on the right.
turning my left to face the royalist horse
Cannily, however, Rob advanced his right forwards as well, trapping my cavalry into the corner of the hedgerows, attacked from front and flank. At the same time, some of his cavalry slid sideways in an attempt to get around behind my line
Back on the right flank, my infantry marched forward and engaged, seeking to pin the Royalists in place while my cavalry attacked their flank. Unfortunately, it took ages for the cavalry to get into position, giving Rob time to not only break one of my infantry battalia, but also to bring in reinforcements from his right.
My cavalry did, however, eventually manage to charge, looking to roll up the Royalist right flank…but although the Forlorn Hope was easily swept from the field, the pursuit that resulted temporarily blocked the rest of my horse charging home. Worse, when they did manage to eventually get in, the Royalist infantry proved to be tough hombres and shrugged off not one but two flank charges undamaged!
Things were going equally badly on my left: the Royalist cavalry seeking to get behind my line had done just that, riding over the two Roundhead infantry battalia sent to stop them.
Although in the centre, one squadron of Dutch horse was gradually wearing down (and would eventually rout) one battalia of Royalist infantry, the rest of my troops were now in danger of being overwhelmed!
The Parliamentarians had by now lost too many units to have much of a chance of winning and, before long, the loss of a battalia of Borders Sappers proved to be the final straw and the entire army broke and fled! Another huge defeat.
Here’s a pic (on the right) of the final moment with (on the left) pic of my cavalry from a bit before, surely about to charge down some Royalist infantry and go on to single-handedly win the game: this last just to console me and remind me of what might have been!
So another big loss for the Roundheads, which leaves me with quite a mountain to climb in the last two scenarios of the campaign!