CDS AAR: Surf's Up #09: AirCav
/Russell Smith posted some great pictures from a recent game of Charlie Don’t Surf onto the CDS Facebook group.
Check them out below:
You can find lots more CDS AARs here.
CDS AAR: Surf's Up #05: Fix and Destroy
/Nick Bellamy and friends recently played scenario #05 Fix & Destroy from the CDS Surf’s Up scenario pack.
Click on the picture below to see some great pictures from the game, all taken from the CDS Facebook Group.
CDS AAR: CDS at Call to Arms 2015
/Last week, I mentioned Dan Wade's superb blog Wade's World of Wargaming. Well, last year, Dan put on a Vietnam demo game at Call to Arms using Charlie Don't Surf! and a mash-up of a couple of scenarios from the CDS scenario pack, Surf's Up!
Dan reported on the demo game, and how he later played it through to a conclusion at home, over a series of blog posts which (and I hope he doesn't mind) that I have combined into one glorious battle report.
Click on the pic below to see his superb terrain and figures:
CDS AAR: Playing the Beanball
/Another great Charie Don't Surf battle report from Penfold, this one using scenario #06: Playing the Beanball from the Surf's Up scenario pack.
Here the Communist forces learn an important lesson about playing as insurgents rather than playing as regulars...
Click on the Surf's Up cover, below, to see all:
CDS AAR: The Great Rice Hunt
/Here's a battle report for Charlie Don't Surf from 2011, trawled from what looks like a bit of a defunct blog: the Tao of Lard.
It's a couple of reports from 2011 covering The Great Rice Hunt: the first scenario from the Surf's Up scenario book. Click on the pic below to see all:
Incidentally, I would just like to add that it's worth noting that blogs are hard work to maintain. Even if 'real life' doesn't get in the way, it's hard to keep posting day after day or even week after week or month after month.
That's one of the reasons for this site: it's become an archive of writings about the TooFatLardies' company-level rules from all over the place, and that to such an extent that more and more people are sending me their AARs direct.
I do always try and contact people before copying their material here...but so many blogs have no way of directly contacting the owner anywhere on view, and I don't want to ask via a comment for all to see: just too embarrassing. So I hope in this instance the blog owner doesn't mind me resurrecting his content in this way. My contact details are on the left if needed.
Sarissa Precision Ltd: Buildings for the Far East
/I've never been big into terrain.
I am never going to make any (far too much like hard, and messy, work) and in the past it's always seemed like a waste of money that could be spent on more soldiers.
That, however, was before I got my wargaming room back after its sabbatical as a kids playroom, and before I moved this website to Squarespace. I'm having more games now, and the photos are easier to process and upload, and my existing terrain...well, it just isn't up to scratch any more.
Wooden huts for the Eastern Front from 4ground
I have had very good experiences with 4Ground's range of wooden huts for the Eastern Front, so I thought I'd see if I could get some more of that sort of thing, but this time for the Far East.
A quick search of the web, and I found Sarissa Precision Ltd: a UK company that do a nice little range of laser-cut wood buildings just like 4Ground's.
They have six different village huts in their Far East range, so I bought one of each, and have spent the last few days putting them together: I love the smell of laser-cut wood in the mornings!
Once built, however, I felt they were slightly lacking something. Not in the models themselves, I hasten to add, they were lovely, just that the setting demanded something more.
So I have been very brave, and I have pimped them up!
First I've added a toupee of wool roving (whatever that is!) bought from the local Hobbeycraft to their roofs. This was quite difficult: it involved smearing white glue over the roofs, then carefully snipping off and sticking down layers of wool cording so they look a bit like some kind of vegetation. Don't ask me what sort of vegetation: just enjoy the look!
It didn't turn out just how I wanted it too.
Building One: Planked Style Village House - Low
Apparently you're supposed to be able to comb this stuff, and I had envisioned a sort of green thatch effect...whereas what I have achieved is more Boris Johnson! But I like it, and I think it will look good on the tabletop amongst the plastic palm trees and lichen.
Next, I thought that the empty holes for every door and window (on some of the huts: others have a wooden lattice effect) looked a bit odd.
Building Two: Small Village House
So back to Hobbeycraft and the purchase of a roll of hemp trimming. From this I have made crude blinds/curtains which actually round things off nicely. Flocked bases and the odd shutter finish things off: at least until I can buy some little pots and other household detritus with which to decorate the bases.
So a little bit of work to make them look super, but highly, highly recommended. Oh, and they cost £52.50 for the six, with only £2.50 p&p.
Here are the other four:
Building Three: Woven Palm Style Village House - Low
Building Five: Planked Style Village House
Building Four: Woven Palm Style Village House
Building Six: Small Village House - Low
A Small Village Somewhere In The Far East
AAR: Rawhide Replayed
/Originally posted 30th October 2013
Benito returns to the jungles of Vietnam with an AAR from one of the scenarios from the Surf's Up! scenario pack for Charlie Don't Surf. It's time for Rawhide Replayed...
AAR: The Great Rice Hunt
/Originally posted 9th August 2013
An excellent AAR from Charles Eckart re-visiting the first scenario from the Charlie Don't surf scenario pack: Surf's Up!
AAR: Sniper!
/Originally posted 13th June 2013
Sapper Joe reports on his first game of Charlie Don't Surf: it's scenario #02 from Surf's Up: Sniper
AAR: Rawhide
/Originally posted 1st April 2013
Benito reports on a game of Charlie Don't Surf in which the Free World Forces come a cropper in a big way. It's scenario #08 from Surf's Up: Rawhide.
AAR: A County Fair
/Originally posted 29th March 2013
Nice battle report from Benito covering a Charlie Don't Surf game using one of the scenarios from theSurf's Up scenario pack. This time it's scenario #07: A County Fair.
AAR: Sniper!
/Originally posted 19th March 2013
Nice battle report from Benito covering a Charlie Don't Surf game using one of the scenarios from theSurf's Up scenario pack. Better luck next time, Benito!
AAR: Fix & Destroy
/Originally posted 17th November 2012
An excellent Charlie Don't Surf AAR from Benito and his friends in Spain. Some lovely photos.
AAR: Firebase
/Originally posted 29th October 2012
An excellent Charlie Don't Surf AAR from Benito and his friends in Spain. Some lovely photos.