IABSM AAR: Action at Galmanche
/Sergeant Steiner, who runs an excellent blog that can be found here, has been dabbling with a bit of solo I Ain’t Been Shot Mum.
Click on the picture below to see the first part of his report on playing out the Action at Galmanche scenario from the IABSM rulebook:
IABSM AAR: South of Cherbourg
/Here’s a quick AAR from Alex Sotheran featuring one of the v3 rulebook scenarios: click on the picture to see all:
Alex ran another game recently: introducing four new players to I Ain’t Been Shot Mum. In this game, the British were held up on the left flank, but smashed through on the right to cut off the Germans retreat and capture the crossroads:
IABSM AAR: Action at Galmanche
/I hope that everyone can be lucky enough to play in one of Phil Turner’s excellently presented and run games of I Ain’t Been Shot Mum. I did so at one of the Operation Market Larden events, and enjoyed myself immensely.
Here’s another game from Phil that uses one of the scenarios from the rulebook. Click on the picture below to see all…
IABSM AAR: North of Caen
/Here are some pictures of game Alex Sotheran has been playing using the first scenario from the I Ain’t Been Shot Mum rulebook: North of Caen. These were posted in the IABSM Facebook group.
IABSM AAR: South of Cherbourg
/Here’s a quick IABSM battle report from Sergeant Steiner’s excellent blog.
The Sergeant played through one of the free scenarios in the main rulebook: the South of Cherbourg game. This is an all infantry scenario with regular Wehrmacht defending against advancing US troops in Normandy in 1944.
Click on the picture below to see all:
IABSM AAR: A Canadian VC Luther-Style!
/Here’s another great battle report from Mark Luther, this time using the A Canadian VC scenario from the main I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum v3 rulebook. Mark played this game remotely with four players scattered around Atlanta area and in Florida.
The game is based on the August 19, 1944 Canadian advance into St Lambert where the Allies are trying to plug the Falaise Gap.
Click on the picture below to see all:
IABSM AAR: Counter-Attack
/Here’s a great little after action report from James Mantos’ excellent blog Rabbits in my Basement.
Here he’s playing the Counter-Attack scenario from the random game generator at the back of the I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum rulebook.
Click on the picture below to see what happened:
IABSM AAR: South of Cherbourg
/It’s always nice when you hear about someone returning to I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum after a bit of a break and having a thoroughly good game…so here’s a quick AAR from Rob Goodfellow of the Tamworth Games Club.
Here Rob and friends play through the second sample scenario from the IABSM v3 rulebook: South of Cherbourg. Click on the picture below to see all.
Even better, Rob tells me that they are now thinking of playing through the Blenneville or Bust! scenario pack: so I’m sure we can expect plenty more AARs in the near future!
IABSM AAR: South of Cherbourg
/Here’s a quick AAR taken from the I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum Facebook group, posted by the Chevalier de la Terre. The scenario used is the South of Cherbourg scenario from IABSM v3 rulebook; and has resulted in a beautiful looking game.
Click on the picture below to see all:
I’ve also added an even quicker AAR from fellow Lardy Julian Whippy, also from the I Ain’t Been Shot, Mum Facebook group. You can see the rest of Mr Whippy’s pics by clicking on the picture below.
IABSM AAR: North of Caen
/I was browsing the 'net, as one does, and came across David Burden's excellent blog Converj.
On there was an equally excellent account of his first game of IABSM: a solo game split across four or five posts and using the North of Caen scenario from the rulebook.
I hope he doesn't mind (as I haven't found a way of e-mailing him) but I've merged his posts into one AAR for you all to enjoy.
Click on the pic below to see all, and make sure you visit David's blog to see the other good stuff on there.
IABSM AAR: In the Orel Salient from Small Sagas
/Great battle report from the Small Sagas blog featuring a game using one of the Normandy scenarios included in the IABSM v3 rulebook to an encounter on the eastern front.
Click on the pic below to see all...
IABSM AAR: Breakthrough in Normandy
/In addition to four ready-to-play scenarios, the IABSM v3 rulebook contains a random scenario generator allowing you to quickly and easily build scenarios of your own.
There are six basic types of encounter detailed in the generator, the fifth one being "Breakthrough": where a strong, fast-moving force attempts to break through an enemy position.
Here's an AAR from Carole Flint using the "Breakthrough" scenario generator, with a game set in Normandy, 1944, and detailed on her excellent blog Hippolyta's Tiny Footsteps.
A force of British tanks and their supports attempts to punch a hole in the German defensive line. Click on the pic below to see all...
IABSM AAR: A Canadian VC Re-Visited
/You may remember that when I posted James Tree's AAR using the A Canadian VC scenario from the rulebook, I posted links to all the other battle reports using the same set up.
Well, James had a look at some of them, and decided he hadn't quite played the scenario correctly...so there was nothing for it but to play the game again.
Click on the pic below to see how it worked out this time: take two!
IABSM AAR: A Canadian VC #11
/One of the things I love about being a scenario writer is seeing how different people interpret the scenarios that I write: how do they translate my maps to their tabletops, how do their players handle the tactical challenges set for them.
I enjoy all this not just with my scenarios but with all scenarios, so it's nice to see the eleventh battle report for a game using the A Canadian VC scenario from the IABSM v3 rulebook: this one posted onto the IABSM Facebook group by James Tree.
I hope he doesn't mind, but I've also reproduced the whole AAR here as well. Click on the pic below to see all...then perhaps go back to the main AAR page to compare and contrast how the other ten games looked and played out.
IABSM AAR: A Canadian VC from the Devon Wargames Group
/Another superb battle report from the Devon Wargames Group.
This time they place the A Canadian VC scenario from the IABSM v3 rulebook. Click on the picture below to see all:
IABSM AAR: Another Canadian VC
/Here is the third battle report for I Ain't Been Shot, Mum! in as many weeks that uses the A Canadian VC scenario from the IABSM v3 rulebook as the basis for a game.
This time we go back to 2013, and an AAR from the Hotlead convention. CJR, on his blog TwoThreeSixMM (a reference to the scales he plays) describes the action from a double-blind game i.e. played on two identical tables with the Germans unable to see what was on the Canadian table and vice versa.
Click on the pic below to see how it turned out.