31st January (30 points)
Late war British platoon in 15mm
31st January (8 points)
British HQ with PIAT, 2” mortar & medic
31st January (6 points)
German MG42ammunition carriers
31st January (10 figures)
Volksturm squad
31st January (18 points)
Three British carriers
18th February (6 points)
Heavily customised 15mm German infantry to represent a Hitler Youth squad in a CoC scenario.
18th February (30 points)
4 x M4 Shermans plus a Firefly
18th February (6 points)
Churchill Crocodile
18th February (6 points)
Churchill AVRE
18th February (24 points)
3 x Cromwells plus a Firefly
13th March 2016 (12 points)
2 x SdKfz 251 halftracks
13th March 2016 (6 points)
1 x lelG18 infantry gun (6 crew)
13th March 2016 (12 points)
2 x Pak40 antitank guns (11 crew)
13th March 2016 (6 points)
1 x Stug III G
13th March 2016 (6 points)
1 x Tiger I
13th March 2016 (12 points)
2 x Panzer IV tanks
13th March 2016 (10 points)
British late war infantry squad (10 men)
19th April 2016 (6 points)
17 pounder anti-tank gun
19th April 2016 (6 points)
6 pounder anti-tank gun
19th April 2016 (2 points)
British flamethrower team
19th April 2016 (3 points)
British mine-clearing team
19th April 2016 (2 points)
British sniper team
19th April 2016 (4 points)
British PIAT team plus 2” mortar
19th April 2016 (6 points)
M5 Halftrack.
19th May 2016 (30 points)
5 x T-26 light tanks
19th May 2016 (30 points)
5 x B-7 medium tanks
19th May 2016 (12 points)
2 x T-35 heavy tanks
19th May 2016 (96 points)
8 Russian buildings from Fourground (I haven’t counted the Russian church as it was ready painted but I just love the model)
19th May 2016 (48 points)
16 scratch built wooden wall sections.
19th May 2016 (4 points)
15mm Soviets: 2 anti-tank rifles + 4 crew
19th May 2016 (11 points)
15mm Soviets: snipers, FO, mortar, engineers, flamethrower
19th May 2016 (6 points)
15mm Soviets: MMG with six crew
19th May 2016 (6 points)
15mm Soviets: Infantry gun + 6 crew
19th May 2016 (6 points)
15mm Soviets: anti-tank gun and six crew
19th May 2016 (9 points)
9 Soviet Scouts
19th May 2016 (12 points)
12 SMG armed tank riders
19th May 2016 (54 points)
(and next pic)
54 infantry for Rifle Platoon
12th July 2016 (6 points)
One Cossack tchanka
12th July 2016 (25 points)
3 x dismounted Cossack rifle squads = 25 infantry
12th July 2016 (62 points)
(and next pic)
3 x mounted Cossack squads = 31 cavalry
12th July 2016 (12 points)
1 x Kubelwagan
1 x SU-152 assault gun
12th July 2016 (6 points)
1 x King Tiger tank
12th July 2016 (12 points)
2 x Pz IV tanks
12th July 2016 (18 points)
3 x Stug III assault guns
25th September 2016 (24 points)
2 x French houses
25th September 2016 (36 points)
5 x French houses
25th September 2016 (12 points)
French Chateau
25th September 2016 (16 points)
4 x DAK motorcycle and sidecar teams
25th September 2016 (6 points)
Peter Pig destroyed PzIII marker.