17th January 2020 (72 points)
28mm Portuguese Napoleonic Line Infantry, mostly Warlord plus some figures from Front Rank to make up the numbers. 16 x Fuzileiros plus an officer and a drummer.
31st January 2020 (48 points)
These guys have been sitting around undercoated for a couple of months, but now they are done.
12 x 28mm Perry plastic crossbowmen for my Papal Condotta.
17th January 2020 (40 points)
28mm Portuguese Napoleonic Line Infantry, mostly Warlord plus some figures from Front Rank to make up the numbers. 8 x Grenadieros plus an officer and a standard bearer.
23rd January 2020 (48 points)
4 x wooden buildings (The Square)
23rd January 2020 (24 points)
1 x ruined brick house and a fallen factory chimney (Ironclad Miniatures)
23rd January 2020 (24 points)
2 x burnt-out wooden houses (Ironclad Miniatures)
8th February 2020 (16 points)
(and next pic)
I've been finishing off the last four of the Games Workshop plastic 28mm sci fi figures I bought last year.
Here are two figures I am going to use as Cyborgs, plus a Chaos Space Marine and a Rogue Psyker. They will all be NPCs in my home-brew SF skirmish rules.
8th February 2020 (16 points)
There is clearly an upside to being stuck indoors with a vile cold. I can finish things off!
These are both Perry plastic 28mm Renaissance mounted men-at-arms.These could be the basis of another mounted unit for my Condottieri or I'll probably use them as Paladins in Saga: Age of Magic.
15th February 2020 (32 points)
The start of my 7TV project: eight female security guards ("extras"). These are all Crooked Dice 28mm figures.
14th February 2020 (16 points)
More Crooked Dice figures for 7TV.
Four secret agent figures (two "stars" and two "co-stars")
23rd February 2020 (12 points)
These are all Bob Murch 28mm Pulp Figures minis. They are called Radon Zombies of the Ionosphere. Perfect for 7TV Pulp in a game inspired by those old B&W film serials they used to show at the Saturday Morning Pictures a long time ago.
3 x Radon Zombies character figures
23rd February 2020 (32 points)
These are all Bob Murch 28mm Pulp Figures minis. They are called Radon Zombies of the Ionosphere. Perfect for 7TV Pulp in a game inspired by those old B&W film serials they used to show at the Saturday Morning Pictures a long time ago.
8 x Radon Zombies with rayguns
23rd February 2020 (12 points)
These are all Bob Murch 28mm Pulp Figures minis. They are called Radon Zombies of the Ionosphere. Perfect for 7TV Pulp in a game inspired by those old B&W film serials they used to show at the Saturday Morning Pictures a long time ago.
3 x Radon Zombies with a big raygun on a plinth.
1st March 2020 (20 points)
5 x 28mm 1920 period US Marines from the Bob Murch Pulp. These are in Brody helmets.
1st March 2020 (20 points)
5 x 28mm 1920 period US Marines from the Bob Murch Pulp. These are in Montana hats.
1st March 2020 (20 points)
5 x 28mm 1920 period US Marines from the Bob Murch Pulp. These are in Montana hats.
9th March 2020 (20 points)
Landgirls with shotguns (Bad Squiddo figures in 28mm)
9th March 2020 (36 points)
Terrain for Pulp/Horror games from Fenris
9th March 2020 (36 points)
More terrain for Pulp/Horror games from Fenris
9th March 2020 (20 points)
5 x 28mm Dangerous Dames from the Bob Murch Pulp Figures range.
20th March 2020 (180 points)
(and next pic)
More 28mm resin scenic pieces. These are all from Crooked Dice.
There are three monoliths, a statue of Cthulhu (everyone's favourite tentacled abomination from the stars), a pile of skulls and a strange amphibian thing on a plinth.
The intrepid archaeologist is, once again for scale only.
20th March 2020 (12 points)
3 x 28mm resin scarecrows from the Bad Squiddo scenics range.
20th March 2020 (8 points)
2 x 28mm Bad Squiddo female adventurers/explorers.
29th March 2020 (8 points)
2 x Crooked Dice heroic characters
29th March 2020 (8 points)
2 x Crooked Dice heroic characters
29th March 2020 (8 points)
2 x action heroines from Bad Squiddo, I'm calling them Casey and Lagney
29th March 2020 (8 points)
A women's militia Lewis gun team from Ironclad Miniatures
29th March 2020 (8 points)
2 x sci fi/post-apocalypse figures from a Kickstarter, based on the Aftermath! rules cover
10th April 2020 (16 points)
Here are four 28mm Copplestone American Adventurers for Pulp games.
Left to right they are; The famous archaeologist and treasure hunter, Dr. Jackson "Idaho" Smith. Next to him is grizzled former Texas Ranger Captain Ezekiel Hardiman, with his sidekick, ex-Agent Wes "Browning" Westerley. Finally, on the right is Jimmy "Hot Rod" Lincoln, so-called because of his love of fast motorbikes, automobiles and aeroplanes.
10th April 2020 (24 points)
(and next two pics)
6 x 28mm Ghosts of Gaia science fiction figures from Bad Squiddo.
22nd April 2020 (20 points)
“Are these the droids your looking for?”
5 x combat droids in 28mm: figures from the Copplestone Future Wars collection
22nd April 2020 (8 points)
1 x large retro-style robot (Radon Zombie figure for scale only)
22nd April 2020 (24 points)
1 x barbarian encampment with 4 tents on a hand-made base
22nd April 2020 (12 points)
2 x gun emplacements and 2 x revetted earthworks
22nd April 2020 (12 points)
8 x wall sections and 4 x corner pieces
22nd April 2020 (12 points)
4 x corner and 4 x straight sections of hedges, including a gate
3rd May 2020 (48 points)
(and next pic)
These are all 28mm Crooked Dice figures, representing an Evil Cult. There are 12 minis in total, including a statue of an eldritch daemonic entity, the cult leader and his adepts plus six basic cult members.
10th May 2020 ( 8 points)
A Consulting Detective and His Medical Amanuensis
10th May 2020 ( 8 points)
Two Mysterious Government Agents.
23rd May 2020 (8 points)
Ironclad 28mm figures for In Her Majesty's Name and other Steampunk-type games: two Dastardly Scheming Villains
23rd May 2020 (24 points)
Ironclad 28mm figures for In Her Majesty's Name and other Steampunk-type games: Six Minions of an Evil Secret Society
30th May 2020 (16 points)
More 28mm Steampunk figures, all from Ironclad Miniatures. These are the some more of the Forces of Laura Norder.
4 x Police Officers with pistols
30th May 2020 (16 points)
More 28mm Steampunk figures, all from Ironclad Miniatures. These are the some more of the Forces of Laura Norder.
4 x Police Officers with rifles
11th June 2020 (8 points)
Two Mechanically Augmented Villains
11th June 2020 (8 points)
An Inventive Genius and his equally inventive sister
11th June 2020 (20 points)
A Mad Inventor and his four Mechanical Progeny
12th June 2020 (4 points)
A Bad Squiddo 28mm Amazon standard bearer
12th June 2020 (8 points)
Two 28mm Copplestone Back of Beyond Bolsheviks
12th June 2020 (8 points)
Two more 28mm Copplestone Back of Beyond Bolsheviks
23rd June 2020 (56 points)
(and next four pics)
Here are the rest of my 28mm Copplestone Bolsheviks. There are 14 figures in total.
4th July 2020 (12 points)
These are three 28mm figures from North Star. They are detectives from the North Star Steampunk range. I'll be using them for In Her Majesty's Name and other similar games. They will be representing the Police of my imaginary nation, Syldavia in the late 19th century.
4th July 2020 (12 points)
These are three 28mm figures from North Star. They are detectives from the North Star Steampunk range. I'll be using them for In Her Majesty's Name and other similar games. They will be representing the Police of my imaginary nation, Syldavia in the late 19th century.
12th July 2020 (32 points)
(and next two pics)
These are eight 28mm Artizan French Foreign Legionnaires that I will be using as Gendarmerie for my late-19th century imagination, Syldavia. I'll be using them for the In Her Majesty's Name rules.
25th July 2020 (20 points)
(and next two pics)
Bad Squiddo 28mm Amazons, five in total
25th July 2020 (24 points)
(and next two pics)
Six steampunk characters, all 28mm, from Ironclad Miniatures’ Steampunk range.
8th August 2020 (12 points)
Amazon Warriors
8th August 2020 (8 points)
Assassin & Strategos
8th August 2020 (8 points)
Musician & Warrior
22nd August 2020 (8 points)
The Goddess Athena
22nd August 2020 (24 points)
(and next two pics)
Six more Amazon Warriors
5th September 2020 (32 points)
Having finished the Amazons, the next lot of completed stuff is all Roman, 28mm Victrix plastic ones to be precise.
A group of eight auxiliaries with javelins.
5th September 2020 (32 points)
Having finished the Amazons, the next lot of completed stuff is all Roman, 28mm Victrix plastic ones to be precise.
A group of eight auxiliaries with slings.
5th September 2020 (8 points)
Having finished the Amazons, the next lot of completed stuff is all Roman, 28mm Victrix plastic ones to be precise.
A centurion and an optio,
5th September 2019 (20 points)
Having finished the Amazons, the next lot of completed stuff is all Roman, 28mm Victrix plastic ones to be precise.
A pair of ambush/deployment points (five figures including the dog, which is from Warbases).
19th September 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
More Victrix 28mm Roman auxiliaries for Infamy, Infamy, another 16 in total.
3rd October 2020 (64 points)
(and next pic)
Two more groups of 28mm Roman Auxilia (8 men each)
3rd October 2020 (12 points)
3 more 28mm Roman individuals: a capsarius, a centurion and an optio
19th October 2020 (32 points)
Three Victrix Roman Auxiliary Equites and a Decurion
19th October 2020 (24 points)
Three Victrix Roman Auxiliary Equites
14th November 2020 (32 points)
28mm Romans: 8 x auxiliary archers from Aventine Miniatures
14th November 2020 (48 points)
(and next pic)
Six more 28mm Victrix Roman auxiliary cavalry
14th November 2020 (12 points)
28mm Romans: 2 x pack mules from Wizkids plus a muleteer (Victrix auxiliary)
28th November 2020 (36 points)
Some Bad Squiddo Scenics, 8 x 28mm resin cargo odds and ends
28th November 2020 (8 points)
Roman Decurio in 28mm
28th November 2020 (24 points)
Roman auxiliary cavalry, all 28mm plastic Victrix figures;
28th November 2020 (24 points)
Roman auxiliary cavalry, all 28mm plastic Victrix figures;
28th November 2020 (18 points)
Ox Cart
28th November 2020 (18 points)
Strongbox cart
6th December 2020 (20 points)
These are five 28mm sci fi figures from the Bad Squiddo "Ghosts of Gaia" range.
6th December 2020 (84 points)
(and next three pics)
Victrix 28mm British Peninsular War flank company Light Bobs for the 61st Foot: 3 x groups of 6 light company skirmishers, and 3 leaders .
18th December 2020 (40 points)
5 x armoured mounted shieldmaidens. 28mm Bad Squiddo.
18th December 2020 (48 points)
Six unarmoured shield maidens. 28mm Bad Squiddo.
18th December 2020 (4 points)
Mounted Lagertha
18th December 2020 (8 points)
A huge Reaper Bones giant (28mm figure for scale purposes only), painted as a Fire Giant
18th December 2020 (16 points)
A huge mounted knight, apparently in 38mm scale, a freebie from the cover of Wargames Illustrated, who I have painted as a Chaos Warlord (28mm Roman for scale only)
18th December 2020 (20 points)
Five fantasy women