3rd February 2019 (361 points)
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I finally have almost finished a 6mm ACW Union army. Here’s what is finished, 19 infantry bases, 8 artillery bases, and 5 command bases. All Baccus figures, 28 figures per infantry base. I’ve got four base worth of infantry painted but not based. 644 infantry figures in total, 32 artillery men, 8 guns, and 15 mounted command. I do have some cavalry figures to paint.
24th February 2019 (56 points)
The last of my Union 6mm infantry. 112 figures total.
24th February 2019 (195points)
The first batch of CSA troops. 336 infantry figs plus 5 artillery and 20 crew, 9 cavalry and 3 command. All lovely Baccus troops.
24th February 2019 (36 points)
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Even though I have lots of 1/600 coastal forces I still couldn’t resist the lure of the bigger scale Warlord boats. Here’s 6 US PTs ready for combat. The three green ones are Elco 80’ rigged out for the South Pacific and some barge busting scenarios. The three gray ones are Higgins 78’ and they are going to be used in Europe fighting the forces of Germany/Italy. Two different paint schemes on the Higgins. The middle boat is all over Navy blue while the other two are painted in Ocean Gray. To my eye the Higgins are lovely little boats that any yachtsman would love to have, but the Elcos look like they’re in the business of hurting things with a much more warlike appearance.
3rd March 2019 (6 points)
LCI 502
3rd March 2019 (6 points)
A patrol boat SC700
3rd March 2019 (24 points)
Four LCMs
24th March 2019 (252 points)
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I finished the Japanese fleet box (haven’t painted the plane yet) last week.
I must admit the Japanese fleet is underwhelming as it comes straight from the box. The Hei escort vessel is quite nice, actually all the models are well done. I don’t care for the ships that were included though. The sampans are visually quite nice but I don’t thing they were major targets for US PT boats. Warlord didn’t include the Daihatsu barges that were a major foe of the PTs, instead I had to buy a pack of them. They should have been the default models and the sampans the little extras. The little suicide boats? I guess they might make good game material, but my heart’s not in to suicide games. The Japanese PTs are very nice models and more of them could have been in the box instead of the suicide boats, at least that’s my feelings. So, the Japanese have a very nice major ship, some weak PTs, some suiciders, and a bunch of targets in the barges/sampans. Actually, (suiciders aside) some interesting night barge busting actions should arise with the Hei and some shore batteries making life interesting for the US.
13th April 2019 (36 points)
I finished these boats last week and finally got around to photo them. All my PTs now sport improved weapons from a couple of weapons packs. The gray PTs are Higgins boats and the striped ones are the new ones. They have been modified slightly from the stock Warlord model. Later Higgins only had two air intakes so I cut off the extras, also cut off the torpedo mounts and some of the associated deck dooda’s. Both boats were fitted with an extra 20mm gun where these intakes would have been. Also added a 37mm cannon to the bow of one and an extra 20mm to the bow of the other. Simple plastic strip took the place of the torpedo mounts that were cut away and the missing Elco torpedoes were glued on to these strips. You can see the difference between these two boats and a straight from the box Higgins in the group photo.
13th April 2019 (12 points)
The LCM is one I found digging around in my box of 6mm WWII stuff, (later I actually found 5 more that are waiting for time in the paint line). Don’t know who made it, but I like it a lot since it can carry something other than the stock Warlord infantry carrying LCMs.
13th April 2019 (24 points)
I finished these boats last week and finally got around to photo them. All my PTs now sport improved weapons from a couple of weapons packs. The green Elcos are straight build, but you will notice the lack of two torpedoes each, don’t worry, the torpedoes went to a good cause on the grey Higgins boats.
13th April 2019 (189 points)
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I just finished up some Baccus 6mm CSA infantry. The flags are from STone Mt. and portray units from Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi (I’m putting together some Western theater forces). There’s some limbers and Union cavalry also included with this bunch though they really went straight from the photo op to the gaming table (currently they are fighting in a refight of Pea Ridge). Total figures here are 308 infantry, 18 mounted cavalry, 22 dismounted cavalry and the two limbers.
5th May 2019 (12 points)
Just finished the Warlord tanker model. No specific nation intended for the paint job so can be a target in many different oceans!
19th May 2019 (24 points)
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Just finished these Warlord Italian boats yesterday. The Motozaterra and the F-lighter. Both are nice kits, though I think from the photos I’ve seen of them they are carrying too much weaponry, especially the Motozaterra.
2nd June 2019 (294 points)
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I’ve been busy with more 6mm Baccus ACW. 588 total figures on 21 bases. We have been playing Altar of Freedom and having a grand time with the battles. I’m trying to paint enough for us to do some of the big battles like Antietam, Chickamauga and Gettysburg. At this rate I’ll be painting for most of the summer on these guys. So many figures and so little time!
2nd June 2019 (30 points)
I did finish off the 1/300 landing craft and even furnished them with some cargo in the form of a couple of Shermans, a bulldozer, and two Jeeps. They’ll make a nice addition to the Warlord LCMs I’ve already painted.
30th June 2019 (111 points)
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7 USA infantry bases and 5 artillery bases for a total of 192 infantry and 40 guns/gunners.
30th June 2019 (65 points)
A grouping of 4 CSA infantry bases and 3 artillery bases, a total of 112 infantry and 15 guns/gunners.
30th June 2019 (24 points)
ACW. Some Hdqs bases with the tents, 20 total tents; four wagons and their teams are in the front of the tents.
14th July 2019 (12 points)
Italian Corvette. Warlord 1/300 scale.
14th July 2019 (48 points)
Four Italian MAS boats. Warlord 1/300 scale.
14th July 2019 (60 points)
These barges were quite an interesting build. Resin, unfortunately with many holes and lumps that needed to be filled and sanded. They turned out well enough and will make great targets for either the Allies or Axis coastal forces since I deliberately didn’t paint them for any specific country. The one with the deck cargo is especially nice, though the cargo was also riddled with imperfections.
17th August 2019 (140 points)
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I’m back with the last of the Union infantry, at least I think they are the last. There are 280 figures in this batch. It feels good to be closing in on the last of the 6mm ACW. There are a few more cavalry, CSA infantry, artillery and command to do, but the numbers are not huge.
15th September 2019 (144 points)
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Here’s the last of my 6mm ACW project, just in time to recreate the battle of Antietam too! I believe there is a total of 189 figures in the two photos.
28th September 2019 (12 points)
1/300th model of HMS Blankley, a Hunt-class Destroyer
21st October 2019 (184 points)
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28mm Outpost Aztecs. The first two photos are of a warrior priest and I have to say I’m very pleased by the results. The third photo is the priest surrounded by 6 Eagle and 6 Jaguar knights, quite a colorful bunch!
Then we have another 33 of them.
8th November 2019 (72 points)
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Second batch of Aztecs. 28mm Outpost Miniatures.
6 Eagle/Jaguar knights, a group of apprentice warriors and a drummer, a captain (in a boar mask) with his drummer, the chieftain and his flutist (which I have to mount on a larger base: the banner about the chief’s head weights more than he does and makes the figure somewhat top heavy!).
1st December 2019 (48 points)
Twelve Aztec archers, all Outpost 28mm.
1st December 2019 (24 points)
3 Jaguar and 3 Eagle knights. Aztecs from Outpost in 28mm.
1st December 2019 (48 points)
Aztecs from Outpost in 28mm. 12 Cuachic veterans, these guys evidently were unique and a bunch of wild men, but nice figures none the less!
1st December 2019 (12 points)
The Snake Priestess and his drummer; the Snake Priestess evidently was a very high ranking leader, perhaps the army leader when the Chosen Speaker was not on the field.
22nd December 2019 (80 points)
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Yet more Aztecs! The pictures are of a group of 5/6 captive warriors, the ones with the back banners. Then we have a group of Jaguar and Eagle knights, the last of them to be painted and a significant milestone.
22nd December 2019 (8 points)
Here’s an Aztec commander and his conch blower. He’s wearing a coyote mask and his back banner is a sun banner, I think!
24th December 2019 (108 points)
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Here’s a little 6mm project that I’ve been working on for a couple of days. This 6mm set of Roman fortifications is from Little Wars TV, specifically their Hannibal material which has been my project the last three days we got together. There’s roughly 5 1/2 feet of walls, towers, and gatehouses.
30th December 2019 (48 points)
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Getting towards the last of the Aztecs. 12 warriors here with very colorful back banners. Again 28mm Outpost figures, lovely sculpts!