New Daily Deals from Battlefront and a Grave Situation!
/I lied: I did look. All the above for £259: 31% off and free shipping.
In between painting up newly bought figures, I am trying to take advantage of the lockdown (and resultant lack of time spent commuting) by eating into the lead mountain.
Getting through it completely is, of course, a ridiculous idea: particularly with the current Battlefront Daily Deals promotion.
Every day Battlefront are putting a selection of different units at 40% off and free shipping for a 24 hour period only. Yesterday was Day One, and I picked up a company of T-62 tanks for £36; nothing I fancied today, however, but I can foresee a lot of expenditure over the coming weeks!
They are also discounting a lot of their pre-painted Battlefield in a Box buildings, but I haven’t dared look at the offers there yet!
Anyhow, more tanks and buildings aside, one thing that has been sitting on the painting table for ages is a 15mm walled graveyard that I built out of things from the bits box and a gravestone set.
I’m actually rather pleased with it, even if the walls and gates have little gaps in between each section!
Everything is painted with GW Contrast paints: a dark grey for the walls and main cenotaph, a lighter grey for most of the gravestones themselves, Snakebite Leather for the newly-turned piles of earth, and a darker brown for the shed and gates. Here’s a shot with, randomly, some archers standing inside.