Legendary Greeks versus Legendary Norse
This was a playtest of the “a few sides of A4” initial version of my suggested To The Strangest rules: a fantasy version of the popular To The Strongest Ancients/Medieval rules.
Rather than go pure fantasy for this first playtest, I went with fantasy versions of a couple of my existing Ancients armies: Hoplite Greek and Viking. These translated quite nicely into Legendary versions with the addition of a few specialist troops, such as the Medusa and Hydra for the Greeks, and a large (pun intended) contingent of Jotuns or Frost Giants for the Vikings.
First up were the Legendary Greeks. Four commands:
Poseidon (Senior Officer and Demi-God)
The Medusa (Character with Distance Weapon, Dread)
The Hydra (Character with Regeneration)
Four Heroes
Manipules (Attached Officer, Heroic)
Two units of Athenian Hoplites (Deep)
Two units of Psiloi (Lights with javelin, Raw)
3. The Minotaur (Attached Officer, Heroic, Shaman)
Minotaurs (Hulks, Veteran)
Cyclops (Giants)
Centaurs (Cavalry with bows, Veteran)
4. Bellarophon (Attached Officer, Mounted, Flying)
Pegasus Cavalry (Cavalry with javelins, Flying)
Facing them were the Legendary Norse. Perhaps unwisely, they had loaded up and gone with three commands:
Knut (Attached Senior Officer, Shaman)
Two units of Huscarls (Shieldwall, Deep, Veteran, 2HCCW)
Archers (Lights with bow)
Five Heroes
Ragnar (Detached Officer, Heroic, Shaman)
Three units of Jotun [Norse Giants] (Giants)
One unit of Dvergr [Norse Dwarves] (Shieldwall, Shaman)
Sven (Detached Officer, Heroic)
Two units of Werewolves/Werebears (Warriors, Regeneration)
Two units of Fyrd (Shieldwall, Deep, 2HCCW)
Here’s a pictorial battle report, with comments explaining how the new rules for unit types, magic and flying work…
An exciting clash and a good test of the rules. The magic works really well - there’s never enough to do everything you want! - whether you concentrate it into one place (Poseidon demi-god) or spread it out (the multiple Norse Shamans). The Flying rules also worked well, although a better test will be when both sides have units that can fly. The only thing I think I do need to do is to look at lives and points for Characters and Giants.
Next test will feature the Gendarme (Knights, Longbowmen, Dragons!) versus Undead!