TFL Painting Challenge: End of March Update

Morning all. Just about time to sneak in another update to the 2024 TFL Painting Challenge before the end of the month…and quite a bumper update it is too.

Starting us off today is the stakhanovite Mr Slade, who has sent in not only a legion (pun intended) of 28mm Romans but just about a whole 15mm Ancient Indian army as well:

Not far behind in terms of sheer volume is Stumpy, with a large amount of figures based up and ready for the table. Here we have 28mm Napoleonics and the start of a 28mm Dacian army:

Carole has also been busy: painting up a large amount of 28mm sci-fi scenery items from Mantic. Carole also sent in some giant spiders, but they are far too creepy to post!

The Wars of the Roses is always a popular period for wargamers, and Mr Helliwell has been amassing a collection and a half of suitable figures. Here’s his latest offering:

Sapper has been putting the finishing touches to his Viking and his Arab armies, all in 15mm:

And, finally, Mervyn sends in some 15mm American Civil War cavalrymen:

Don’t forget you can see more of everyone’s work in their individual galleries (accessesed via the NavBar, above) and, for those who want to see even more, there are the galleries from previous years’ entries available as well.

It’s the long weekend coming up tomorrow, so enjoy the four days off work and use them wisely i.e. paint more figures!

TFL Painting Challenge: Another Update

Apologies for the lack of posts this week: very busy at work…buit now that it’s the weekend, I have time to do a very necessary update to this year’s TFL Painting Challenge.

A good week this week, including the return of Mr Davenport after a four-year absence. He has sent in some very nice 28mm American War of Independence figures, all Perry 28mm with GMB standards:

Next up is Sapper, who has let the painting pile up and submits a vast cornucopia of 15mm figures: Polish Winged Hussars, Arabs and a few Vikings thrown in:

Another large entrant this week (in terms of number of figures not necessarily girth!) is Mr Helliwell, with another Wars of the Roses, late Medieval collection.

This is only a part of what Andrew has submitted, so do visit his gallery for more. I’ve also included one of his self-made ponds/march terrain pieces as well:

I love Mr Emmett’s work as well. Here he sends in some WW2 Poles and, featured below, a lighthouse, shed and dock:

Finally for this update, we have some Egyptian columns from Carole, some Dwarf command stands from Ralph, and some bases for Strength & Honour from Mervyn:

So a very good haul indeed this update, including Andrew Helliwelll being the first person to break the 1,000 point marker this year…but I’m sure there will be many more following hereafter!

TFL Painting Challenge: First March Update

Let’s have a look what people have been sending in this time…

First up is Mr Helliwell, with more medievals. These are all billmen or longbowmen and are based on Perry Miniatures in 28mm:

Next we have Nick, who has sent in his usually cornucopia of fantasy figures in 28mm. I particularly like the Vendel Goblins and the zombie/ghouls, and there are plenty more of both in his gallery, accessed through the NavBar, above:

Lots of small scale aircraft sent in this time. Unusually not from Mr Luther or the Hat, but this time from Mervyn and Mr Burt. Mervyn’s are the aircraft for North Korea, Mr Burt’s are from the PSC Battle of Britain game:

Matt Slade, commission painter extraordinaire, has been finishing his Normans…but we know that’s not true: no army is ever truly finished. Loving the camp!

Finally, here’s Chris Kay’s cowboys and Romans, and Carole’s sci-fi scenery. Check out Chris’ new photography skills!

That’s two months of the year gone, and there are already some impressive totals being racked up. Check out the individual galleries (accessible via the NavBar, above) and remember: if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em…plenty of room for more entrants.

TFL Painting Challenge: February Update

We’re over half way through February, and more entries are coming in all the time. Let’s have a look at what we have this update.

First up is Carole, with figures for a Darkest Africa campaign and some lovely scenery. You can see more of the scenery in Carole’s gallery, accessed through the NavBar, above.

Next up is Matt Slade’s first entry of the year. Last year Matt achieved the fairly incredible score of 6,033 points, a personal best and an excample for us all. Matt starts this year with over 500 points of painting, some of which are shown below:

Last year’s second highest entrant, Andrew Helliwell, has also been painting hard already in 2024. Andrew has already amassed almost 800 points, here’s some of this update’s entries:

Finally for this update we have entries from Stumpy and Ralph Plowman. Stumpy’s ar the Napoleonic French infantry (with adorable poodle at the front!) and the tank; Ralph’s are the Greeks: some of his oldest wargames figures repainted and rebased alongside some new light troops.

Plenty of time to get your entries in, so pick up your brushes and paint away!

TFL Painting Challenge: Second January Update

I don’t usually do two updates in a month, but as it’s the begining of the year, and the begining of this year’s Challenge, lots of people are sending in entries all at once.

Do visit the individual galleries, accessed via the NavBar above, but here’s a look at what’s come in this time around:

First up is another big entry from Andrew: more medievals in 28mm. I’m loving the drunken soldiers in the second picture and will be oridering some of them myself!

John is back: and with some truly lovely WW2 vignettes. I love John’s work, and these look aboslutely great. Would that I was prepared to take the time and trouble to learn to paint as well as he!

I think my favourite is probably the German briefing: the second one in from the left. Unusual, beuatifully painted, and full of character.

Next up is Stumpy’s first entry of the year: lots of Ancient Germans based up with just the two lone British command figures from the Sudan as company.

Carole is back, and has been busy making 15mm terrain: lots of it. I always admire people who make their own terrain, as that’s something I find horrible tedious to do!

Here we have a cracking bridge (plus lots more river not shown), some woods, a marsh, and just an example of the many roads made.

Finally, as a round up, we have entries from Sapper, Mervyn, Chris and I.

Mervyn and Chris have their own line, with Sapper and I sharing one…and you should by now be able to tell whose is whose from the painting style and content!

Keep those entries coming!

Final Painting Challenge Entries for 2023

A handful of last minute entries into the 2023 Painting Challenge, including David Scott’s first and last entries of the year just sneaking in before the 12 midnight deadline!

Today’s entries are the aforementioned Mr Scott’s Confederates and fencing; a horde of Byzantine cavalry from Sapper; the Peaky Blinders et al from Carole; and some Germanic types from Chris Kay.

There were some amazing entries into this year’s Challenge: two of our most prolific painters hit heights never before achieved: Matt Slade hits the 6,000 points mark (6,033), with Andrew Helliwell going past 5,000 points (5,008).

Honorable mentions must also go to Sapper, who achieved a new personal best this year with a score of 3,507; and to Mr Luther on 2,084.

Here’s a complete run down of the scores (and histories) of this year’s participants:

Be sure to check out everyone’s galleries: plenty of inspirational work to see.

The Challenge will be returning for 2024 - it’s 10 year anniversary - so be sure to clear that painting table, point those brushes, prime those models and get ready to hit a new personal best score!

Merry Christmas...and a Painting Challenge Update!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my wargaming chums!

I’ve borrowed this image from Bovingdon Tank Museum (a must visit for any wargamer) which, incidentally, was also where I got my Christmas jumper from!

It’s also time for a quick Painting Challenge update: lots of entries coming in at the last minute…although you do actually have another six days to get them in.

Today’s entries take two of our most prolific painters to heights never before achieved: Matt Slade hits the 6,000 points mark, with Andrew Helliwell going past 5,000 points! Although no entry today, Sapper has also achieved a new personal best this year with a scoreline that’s currently well over 3,000.

Do visit the individual galleries (accessed via the NavBar, above) but here’s a selection of today’s entries:

There’s still plenty of time to get more entries in this year: the Challenge is opne right up to midnight on the 31st.

Consider any late painting this year as a warm up to next year’s ten year anniversary challenge!

Another December Painting Challenge Update

Lots of submissions coming through as people try and get their last entries of the year in before the 31st December deadline.

Today we have updates from Carole, Matt, Ralph, Chris, Mr Luther, Mervyn and Sapper. Do visit their individual galleries, accessed via the NavBar, above, but here’s a taster of what you can see:

There’s still plenty of time to get your entries in for this year, and even if you don’t, the Challenge will be back next year for its Ten Year Anniversary edition!

Here’s wishing you good painting in the run up to Christmas!

TFL Painting Challenge: First December Update

As we enter the final month of this year’s Challenge, a whole host of entries sent in during the last two weeks of November.

Do visit the individual galleries, available via the NavBar above, and here’s a taster:

There’s still plenty of time to get your entries in for this year, so don’t put those brushes aside yet!

TFL Painting Challenge: Mid-November Update

Only a smidge over six weeks to go in this year’s Challenge, and the entries are coming in fast.

Do please visit the individual galleries, accessible via the black navbar above, but here’s a taster of the entries so far this month:

Congratulations to Matt who has surpassed his previous record score of 5,522 (set in 2015) to now be on 5,591. Surely the magic 6,000 beckons…and painting loads of Ottoman cavalry really well would really help hit that target!

Andrew is also on a new record score of 4,636, beating his previous high of 3,908 set last year. I think we need 5,000 out of you this year please.

Finally Sapper is also on a new high: 3,030 versus the 2,638 set last year: perhaps 3,250 or even 3,500 to come?

There’s still plenty of time to get your entries in - I’m often adding the last few early on New Year’s Day - so let’s make a final push to get those scores up.

I’ll also take mass submissions of work completed over the last 11 months or so, so don’t worry about not having submitted something so far. If I could just ask that everything is clearly labelled, as although I can usually tell a Jaeger from a Janissary, counting the number of 6mm figures you’ve submitted in a mass-army photo is not much fun!

TFL Painting Challenge: End October Update

More entries to this year’s Challenge have come in steadily over the month, and it looks as if a couple of people will hit record scores for themselves.

Please do look at the individual galleries - accessed through the NavBar, above - but here’s a taster of what’s been sent in recently:

TFL Painting Challenge: First October Update

Although it’s only a couple of weeks since the last update, there are enough entries in to make another worthwhile.

Some very substantial submissions this time, so make sure you look in people’s individual galleries as I only feature one entry from each person in the taster gallery, below:

TFL Painting Challenge: End September Update

Just time to get another TFL Painting Challenge update in before the end of September.

This time we have entries from Andrew, Sapper, Stumpy, Matt, Carole, Mervyn and Yours Truly.

Do visit the individual galleries, accessed from the NavBar above, but in the meantime here’s a selection to wet the whistle:

We’re almost into the last quarter of the year, so keep them coming. There’s last year’s totals to beat!

TFL Painting Challenge: first September update

A substantial update this time round: good to see that have all been using your summer’s for something constructive!

Some of you have commented that some of your entries aren’t getting through first time, so you have to re-send when you notice I’ve missed them. Can’t explain this, I’m afraid, something odd with Yahoo mail I think. Keep an eye out for this, though, and I will add missing submissions back in asap.

Check out the individual galleries, accessed through the NavBar, above, but here’s a selection to wet the whistle:

TFL Painting Challenge: August Update

Three weeks since the last update and the entries have been flying in. The July update was a little early as well, so there are some catch-up entries as well: all in all, a bumper crop.

Do look at the individual galleries (accessible via the NavBar, above) but today we have entries from Carole, Stumpy, Matt, Sapper, Mervyn, Nick, Andrew, and Yours Truly.

Here’s a taster:

I’m off to Britcon now for a To The Strongest competition and a look at the Lard Workshop. Can’t wait!

TFL Painting Challenge: July Update

Some lovely work on show this update:

That’s six people out of the sixteen taking part so far in this year’s challenge. Come on the rest of you: paintbrushes and cameras out please!

PS Do make sure you look at people’s galleries as well as just the taster I’ve posted above. Navigate through the black navbar under the site’s title.

TFL Painting Challenge: Tlaxcallan Update!

Today’s Painting Challenge update is named in honour of Lloyd’s Tlaxcallan entries: some amazing painting there which I will further honour with a little gallery of their own:

These are in 28mm and mostly from Outpost. They are not the only Meso-American figures Lloyd has to show us: visit his gallery for more.

Otherwise, we have entries from Matt, Carole, Mervyn and Chris. Check out their galleries for their work, but here’s a taster:

Keep them coming!

TFL Painting Challenge: First June Update

Are we almost half way through the year already? How time flies when you’re having fun!

Here’s the first Painting Challenge update for June: some lovely painting being submitted. Do visit the individual galleries (look in the black navbar, above, for how to clickthrough to them) but here’s a taster:

Mammoth Painting Challenge Update

May has proved a very productive month for many of you, with a veritable cornucopia of entries into the 2023 TFL Painting Challenge.

This week we have entries from Mervyn, Sapper, Matt Slade, Carole, John, Mr Luther, Stumpy, Lloyd, Andrew and myself. Top scorer, as ever, is Mr Slade, who has already passed his last year’s total and is determined to break his previous record of 5,522 points, set in 2015.

It’s not a competition, however, but a personal challenge, so let’s all pick up those brushes and see whether we can equal Matt’s aim. I scored a personal best last year with 2,077 points, beating my previous best of 2,005 points, set in 2019, so am keen to make it two in a row.

Please do visit everyone’s individual galleries: there’s some great work there. You can access them through the NavBar, above. Meanwhile, here’s a taster from this round of entries:

TFL Painting Challenge: Coronation Bank Holiday Special!

Well not so much this bank holiday but the last one: as many of you seem to have spent an awful lot of time painting figures!

So, today, we have entries from:

  • Matt Slade with the usual vast numbers of Star Wars figures plus some Italian Wars infantry plus some What A Cowboy gunmen

  • Nick Cooper with a miscellanea of fantasy figures

  • Andrew Helliwell has more late medievals…and whose terrain storage cupboard must be overflowing by now

  • Stumpy with more Napoleonics and some Beau Geste types

  • A superb Bad Squiddo Squid from Ralph

  • Chris Kay also goes all What A Cowboy

  • Sapper does 15mm Goths in a big way

  • Mervyn has some 15mm Greeks and 28mm US Marines

Make sure you visit the individual galleries, but here’s a selection for you to feast your eyes on:

With another bank holiday this weekend, I’ll expect to see a similar amount of entries for next time!