According to the Clear Horizons website, "the Hura Technocracy represents an alien species known as the Hura. While possessing traits of both crabs and mantis insects, the Hura are an advanced species that use their technology to give them every advantage. Not only do they have a strong chitin outer skeleton that can deflect blows almost as well as most basic Human body armor, they utilize a powerful series of miniature, close-contact forcefield generators that provide an extra layer of defense without limiting their strength and speed. Their weaponry, nicknamed “Lightning Rods’, strike out with powerful beams that can fry not only organic material but any unshielded electronics as well".
I acquired my Hura through the original Kickstarter, investing enough to get a full company of infantry plus quite a few of the cyber-support weapons too. They then sat in the lead mountain for a couple of years until the built up guilt of ignoring them became too much and they moved to the painting table.
Unable to match the skills of the painter who produced the sample figures, I decided to go aquatic, and have the Hura's basic skin colour as light blue with nicely contrasting dark grey armour. Weapons would be the same green as for the infantry of the Pelagic Dominate on the grounds that they are aquatic too, so whatever they use to build the guns will work for the Hura as well.
Clear Horizons don't produce any specific vehicles for the Hura, so when I saw Brigade Models' new Xarledi tanks for their Yenpalo range, I jumped at the chance to have the Hura using these. Lovely models. I’ve also since added some of Brigade Models Polish range as ground support vehicles: very useful for specialist tasks such as AA and Artillery. The crewman heads, btw, are from CP Models.
My Hura Expeditionary Force consists of:
Company HQ
2 x Big Man
1st Platoon
1 x Big Man
2 x Hura Infantry Squad (8 Hura each)
1 x Hura Heavy Support Squad (4 Hura each)
2nd Platoon
1 x Big Man
2 x Hura Infantry Squad (8 Hura each)
1 x Hura Heavy Support Squad (4 Hura each)
3rd Platoon
1 x Big Man
2 x Hura Infantry Squad (8 Hura each)
1 x Hura Heavy Support Squad (4 Hura each)
Main Battle Tank Squad
4 x Xarledi Grav Tanks
Armoured Support Squad
2 x Xarledi Support Tanks
Ground Support Squad
2 x Wilk AA Half-Track
1 x Wilk MRLS Half-Track
Hura Expeditionary Force
Infantry Contingent
Suwalska ‘Hetman’ command vehicle (includes MOST SENIOR BIG MAN AND Electronic Warfare Specialist)
Xarledi Grav Tanks
Xarledi Support Tanks
Wilk AA Half-Tracks