A 6mm IABSM! game played at my place in June 2008. The scenario involved a French recce unit trying to get to some optimal positions before the they were occupied by heavier German units.
The French had major parts of 4e RAM(5 Panhard 178s and 8 AMR 33s) and 14e RDP( 1 inf sqdrn, w/ 2 25mm atg, 2 81mm mortars and 2 mmgs in support).
Defending, the 4 btn AA had 3) SdKfz 222s, 2) SdKfz 221s, 2) SdKfz 231s and a 232. All onboard and hidden. The Germans also had Stukas overhead. The Panzers were scheduled to arrive after about 10 turns.
Mark Luther

View of the south side of the table
This is the French entry point. They are to move up the road and through the woodline on the ridge so they can overlook the Retourne River.

This the north side of the table
If the Germans do their job, no action will take place on this side of the woods, except for the panzers moving up the road.

SdKfz 231
Part of the heavy car section of 4th's Bttn. Model is GHQ. 2 of the 231s were the last line of defense around the main road in the center for the German recce.

AMR 33s
The right flank unit of the 4e Regiment d'Auto-Mitrailleuses. The models are Scotia(Ian, please make some nice new models). Armed with a lmg and not much armor, they aren't exactly the aggressive types.

AMR33s of 4e RAM
Covering the right flank of the French advance, the light tanks take fire from some Sdkfz in the orchard at the far side of the field. One is forced back and another abandoned after being immobilised. The SdKfz 221 wisely pulls back while the two 222s pepper the French.

Flank shots for a Sdkfz 222
The Panhards (including the radio car) have all moved up to a hedge in the French center left. The German recce unit (one Sdkfz 222 and a 221-on the extreme right) guarding the right flank have a chance to take out some of the P178s, but manage to send one to the rear and damage another's engine.

Panhards of the 4e RAM
Looking for a nice covered position to await the flank AMRs advance, they managed to take some hits from their left.

Panhard parking lot
The models are GHQ and a converted CinC radio car. Not sure he would want to be on the front line like that, but he does have several vehicles to absorb the hits from the left.

AMRs stalling out
The right flank group of these little tanks didn't get very far before they decided to head back to cover.

Stukas spot some road traffic
As soon as a sqd of the 14e Regiment de Dragons portes in their Lafflys made it on the board they are pounced on by some JU87s. All bombs are off target, but a near miss does destroy a truck and kill 2. The Germans had a 1/6 chance to actually get a Stuka strike after the card was drawn, but there was an air strike card in the deck evey turn.
Laffly models are Scotia, while the Stukas are Navwar.

Last of the right flank
After several turns of the unequal firefight the last AMR that is able heads to the rear. We went 4-5 turns in a row without drawing this units card. They were out of short range, so were victimized by the SdKfz 222 fire without being able to do anything but take hits.

Guardian of the left
This SdKfz 222 is the far left flank protection for the 4th AA. It helped turn back the AMRs and now is keeping watch on the French advance.

Keeping the info going
The Sdkfz 232 is well back from the action and has advised the damaged 231s to pull back. They have delayed the French long enough, and are kinda useless without a functioning turret .

Dragoons moving up
The remains of the dismounted (involuntarily) squad moves through the field while the others truck on down the road. Unfortunately for them, after dealing with the AMRs, a SdKfz 222 is now free to rake the column. Fortunately it misses.

Hot pursuit
The left flank AMRs pass the smoking SdKfz 222 and head after the fleeing SdKfz 221. It looks like a pack of Chihuahuas chasing a cat.

Time to run away
The heavier 222 got smoked by the Panhards and the 221 decided to head to the hill before it was overhelmed by the AMR 33s. It looks like it has momentarily turned to face its pursuers. The SdKfz 221s is a GHQ model and 222 is a CinC.

Return of the Stukas
This bomb run was less successful and only managed to stun some Panhard crews. Such a nice target all bunched up like that-the French get very lucky .

Right flank facing
The Dragons unload to face off against the SdKfz 222 in the orchard to their right. The figures are Adler, the 25mm is CinC, and the tractor and trucks are Scotia. They will receive no fire from the woods because some lucky turret jam hits have caused both of the SdKfz 231s to fade away before raking the road.

Charge of the very light brigade
The left side AMRs pass the burning 222 as they move up to the main wooded ridge line. Fire from the Panhards forced the 231s to pull back, but the French just know something else has to be up there and stop their hesitant advance.

French 'deciders'
The French HQ group(perhaps including commandant Chapel of the 4e RAM and commandant Sonnery of the 14e RDP) confer besides the Panhard platoon. The SdKfz 222 did manage to jam one turret, damage an engine and force another a/c to the rear before getting destroyed. The Panhards(unbeknownst to them) had also managed to put a lucky turret jam hit on both the SdKfz 231s in the woods to their front. This was the only German unit in the center that had AP weapons.

French digging in
Having spotted some big nasty German armor cars in the woods to their front, the Dragons decide that they need to setup to face a possible attack. Here they are deploying their 25mm ATG and a med mg near the tree line. They had no idea that they had taken out 3/5 of the only weapons that could hurt their armor. The remaining 2 SdKfz 222s were busy covering the German left flank.

SdKfz 221 in the shadows
This light a/c is just trying to avoid attracting attention and enemy fire. GHQ model.

SdKfz 232 radio car
Keeping the rest of the 1st Panzer informed of the French advance and staying behind the wooded crest. This is a GHQ model.

The Panzers are here
Moving up from the Retourne River, the lead Panzers of the 2nd Rgt are ready to expand the bridgehead that the recce units had scouted out. CinC PzIIIe and PzIIc.

Pz II and Pz III
I painted these in the 1/3 brown over grey scheme that is apparently much more common in the French and Polish campaigns than previously believed. It certainly is more interesting than solid dark grey.

Heading to the front
If these units made it on the table the game is really over with a German victory. The object of the French units was to push through the woods and secure positions overlooking the Retourne River. As it is, the Germans will be able to consolidate on the French side of the river now and create another hole in the French front.

Our work here is done
Leaving a couple of 20mm-less comrades to watch the center road, these guys are getting out of the way of their panzer buddies.

Awaiting the Boche
Unable to decipher the movement of the Germans on the other side of the hill, the dragon unit establishes defensive positions. Adler French command figs and Scotia Laffly lt truck

Still dealing with the Germans to their right
The 25mm atg is nicely situated to cover the road opening in the center and still take some shots to the right flank

Looking for the Boche
The 25mm atg has the advantage on the SdKfz 222 on the right and forces it to slither back in the orchard. Really a tough target to spot, the 25's muzzle blast was almost invisible.

81mm mortars
Two of the support units mortars set up to support the advance. Adler models

Panhards moving up
Too late though. The remaining undamaged mobile P178s are a little tardy in getting over the ridge.

More AMR 33s
This is the left flank platoon. It arrived even later and traded shots with the SdKfz 221 to their front for a few turns.