Vis Lardica

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Campaign in Milton Keynes

No, not my attempt to invade the most famous new town of them all but a visit to the annual Campaign wargames show held, would you believe it, in Milton Keynes.

Milton Keynes is only about an hour from me. I’ve actually been there before: once on a geography field trip when I was at school, and once for business about eight years ago.

Campaign is an unusual show in that it takes place in the middle of the MK Central shopping centre. Yes, right in the middle of a mall. As such, besides the usual wargaming folk, you have large numbers of members of the public exposed to our hobby…which is a good thing.

MK Central is the mall to end all malls: it is truly enormous with every chain you can think of in there. The show itself is small: it’s a handful of trade stands, a double fistful of demonstration games and, mostly, a venue for a variety of Ancients competitions.

I think the idea of the show is terrific: our hobby needs a constant supply of new blood to keep it fresh, so exposure from Campaign has got to be a good thing and I applaud the organisers for their efforts.

Here are some pictures from some of the competition games: